
RubyWeekend game contest - Yarr Blaargh!

Pirates vs. Zombies. That's the main theme of my game, and also the theme of the first RubyWeekend game contest.

It was an interesting contest in which there was only a slightly more than 48 hours to make a themed game. The platform and implementation was free, just it had to be written in Ruby. Among the options available (this presentation contains lots of options for making a game in Ruby) I picked Rubygame.

I have used Gosu before, which is a nice platform. But I wanted to give a try to Rubygame. Both libraries are very similar, maybe Gosu wraps in a little higher level events and sprite manipulation, but Rubygame is very flexible and efficient.

The game is called Yarr Blaargh. After all, what else would you expect to hear in a pirates vs. zombies battle? You can check the code here, altough in 48 hours I had not enough time to finish it, so you will see an incomplete project by now. Perhaps in the next weeks I can polish the details of the game.

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